Food Scrap/Composting

Food Scrap/Composting 

Starting July 1, 2020, Vermont state law prohibits food scraps from being put in the trash (with a few exceptions*). Residents and small businesses have three options for managing their food scraps: 

1) Hire a hauler to pick up food scraps. More and more hauling companies collect food scraps, so ask your trash and recycling hauler if they offer this service. Or, find a food scrap hauler at Haulers usually provide small buckets or rolling carts to pick up food scraps. Fees vary.  Black Dirt Farm of Greensboro Bend provides compost pick up service to businesses however currently there are no curbside compost services available in St Johnsbury for residential use.

2) Drop off food scraps at a transfer station, fast trash/bag drop, or compost site. Contact your local waste management entity at to learn more about drop-offs in your area.  The following drop off locations are available:
  • St Johnsbury Transfer Station operated by Casella Waste Management located at the end of High Street
    • $2.00 per gallon
    • Available Monday -Thursday 7:15am – 3:45pm and Friday & Saturday 7:15am - noon   
  • EZ Trash
    • $2.00 per gallon
    • Available on Portland Street
      • Monday 8:00am - 4:00pm 
      • Wednesday noon-6:00pm
      • Friday 9:00am - 3:00 pm
      • Saturday 7:00am - 2:00 pm
    • Available on Western Avenue
      • Saturday 7:00am - 1:00pm
3) Compost in the backyard. If your home/office has the space and someone is willing to actively manage the bin(s), backyard composting can be an easy option. Plastic compost bins set on top of wire-mesh hardware cloth will deter most pests (learn more about composting in bear country in “The Dirt on Compost”). *Even after the July 1 ban on putting food scraps in the trash, state law allows residents that compost in their yard to dispose of meat and bones in the trash, so they do not attract animals to the compost bin.

Additional Resources- click on the links below:

Vermont Food Scrap Hauler Directory- for a list of all food scrap haulers serving Vermont

Certified Compost Facilities - for a list of all compost facilities in Vermont

The Dirt on Composting- To learn about backyard composting

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