A tool that funds public infrastructure using incremental property tax revenue to repay municipal debt incurred to build/improve public infrastructure and related costs associated with the redevelopment of an identified area (District).
A “public-private partnership” - public action stimulates private investment.
Specific statutory requirements:
A municipality identifies an area requiring re-development, draws the TIF District around the area, and freezes the base tax of the District.
All taxes on the frozen base value continues to go to the taxing authorities.
Private developers, enticed by the improved infrastructure, build within the District.
The property tax revenues that were flat or declining now increase.
A portion of the tax increment is captured and set aside to help retire the debt that funded the infrastructure improvements, for a specified length of time.
Taxpayers benefit from added value to the grand list once the debt is retired and may receive more wage taxes if the development project creates new jobs.
Taxpayers benefit from the improvements to blighted areas and infrastructure improvements and they may see lower taxes in the long run because of the project.
Substantial real property development is required to improve economic viability of community/region.
A substantial scale of public infrastructure is required to ensure real property development.
Cost of public infrastructure is beyond normal and available municipal financing.
Real property development will generate adequate incremental property tax revenue to service TIF debt.
Infrastructure and development must meet specific statutory requirements.
For more information, please contact:
Megan Sullivan, Executive Director, Vermont Economic Progress Council
Vermont Department of Economic Development ph. (802) 798-2221