Request a Grievance

Lister Card

Property owners can make a request of the assessors office by sending and e-mail to There is no charge for this service.

A paper copy of the Lister card may be requested at the Town offices. There is a $1.00 fee to make a hard copy.

Appeal your property valuations

A handy guide to the assessment appeal process: "Are you Appealing" is provided by the Vermont Secretary of State's office. This document explains the assessment appeal process.

Send your request for a grievance via e-mail at or call (802) 748- 3926 ext. 4. Please include your name, a description of the property tax that you are grieving, your mailing address, and your phone number.

Once your request for a review of assessment is received, an appointment is set up. This appointment is a formal grievance hearing before the Board of Assessment in the summer. The formal hearing is a recorded session where you present evidence to support your request. Following the local hearing, if you still have concerns, you can appeal to the Board of Civil Authority and then to the State Appraiser.
Request a Grievance Request a Lister Card Important Dates

Contact Information

Send Mail to: 
Town of St. Johnsbury 
ATTN: Assessor 
51 Depot Sq. 
St. Johnsbury, Vt 05819
Phone: 802.748.3926 ext. 4
Department of Assesment Directory
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