Public Meetings Calendar

Town Meetings and Events

Meeting Schedules

Selectboard - meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6pm at the St. Johnsbury Welcome Center. 

Selectboard Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 870 7404 2131 Passcode: 757074

School Board  - meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.

Planning Commission - Regular meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7PM; Working Sessions the 1st Monday of each month.

Development Review Board - meets the 4th Thursday of each month (except for November and December when the DRB meets on the 3rd Thursday). 

Design Advisory Committee - meets the 2nd Monday of each month.

Energy Committee- meets the 1st Monday of each month.

Knob Property Management Committee- meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

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Public Meeting Documents

Parking Committee

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