St. Johnsbury Secures Grant for Observatory Knob Master Planning Process, Public Info Kickoff Session Scheduled for April 24
The Town of St. Johnsbury has just been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Northern Forest Center on behalf of the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service for the Town’s recently acquired, 119-acre, Observatory Knob parcel. Located off of Mt Pleasant St. near the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, the parcel has long been used by local residents and visitors for multiple forms of active and passive recreation and nature observation. The Town will contribute a $5,000 match to the grant to hire a consultant for an in-depth planning process. The Town already has the funds in hand from robust fundraising efforts leading up to the purchase of the parcel, thanks in large part to leadership by the Vermont Land Trust. A public input session is being hosted by the town’s Observatory Knob Advisory Committee on Wednesday, April 24 from 5:30 to 6:30 at the St. Johnsbury Welcome Center.
For more information and to view the press release click here.