Town Manager’s Message

Town Managers Message

St Johnsbury Town Manager

February 11, 2022

Recent case counts continue to drop and based on the CDC, Vermont has gone from a 7 day average of more than 2200 on January 18, to 343 yesterday.  The last few weeks COVID impacts have impacted nearly everyone and thankfully most of those impacted had minor symptoms and were able to recover and end isolation.  The Town will be following guidelines posted by the Department of Health, and this means everyone should follow these basic prevention steps:

  • Get vaccinated (anyone age 5 or older).
  • Get your booster shot (age 12 or older).
  • Stay home if you feel sick.
  • Get tested if you have any symptoms, may be a close contact, or have taken part in activities that could put you at risk, such as large gatherings or travel.
  • Wear a mask in indoor public settings.
  • Take care when getting together.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Get your flu shot.

St Johnsbury will be returning to in person board meetings, with the availability of an online or call in presence.  Zoom links and phone numbers for meetings can be found under the Public Meetings tab at the top of this page.  Town meeting will have in person voting on March 1 at the Welcome Center.  Early voting and absentee ballots can be requested from the Town Clerk's office.  The informational Town Meeting will be at 7:30pm, and is available online or by phone, and zoom links and call information can be found here 2022 Town Meeting Information

All Town Departments are remaining vigilant to remain operational and I would like to thank our employees for their efforts to keep themselves, their co-workers and the public safe throughout this pandemic. 



Chad Whitehead 


Town Manager

Town of St. Johnsbury

51 Depot Square, Ste. #3

St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

Ph. 802.748.3926 ext. 2

Cell 802.751.9049

Department Updates:

Town Manager’s Office, Zoning Office, & Assessor’s Office

Some employees of the Town Manager’s Office are currently working from home and available by phone or email. The Town Manager's Office is not open to the public, but is staffed.  If you wish to meet with the Town Manager or Town Manager's Office staff, please call and arrangements can be made for in-person meetings if necessary. 

The Town Manager can be reached at (802)-748-3926 ext. # 2 or by email at

Please call (802) 748- 3926 ext. #3 for Zoning, (802) 748-3926 ext.# 4 for the Town Assessor.

Town Clerk and Treasurer’s Office

The Town Clerk/Treasurer's Office is open Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm and is open to in-person service.  We are asking all visitors, regardless of vaccination status to wear a mask.   If you are not feeling well, have a temperature greater than 100.4 or any symptoms of COVID-19, or have had any contact with anyone at risk of COVID-19 you are asked not to enter the office.  The Town Clerk's office can be reached at 802-748-4331- ex 1, or

Payments for taxes, parking tickets or water and sewer billing can be made via credit using the links on the left side of the Town Clerk’s webpage, mail a check, or put a check in the dropbox at 51 Depot Square (the door located south of the covered porch). 

Assessor Update

The assessor’s office remains closed to walk in traffic. You can set up an appointment by calling 748-3926 x 4.

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