The Police Department continues to be fully operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to patrol and respond to emergencies. We ask anyone that can conduct their business with the Police Department over the phone to call us at 802-748-2314. If you need to meet in-person please call ahead and ring the bell when you enter the lobby and an officer will come downstairs to meet you. We also ask that you wear a mask when entering the building.
The Fire Department continues to work tirelessly to assure that we are prepared and healthy to manage emergency responses in town in a safe manor while minimizing the potential of exposure to responders and community members. We continue to work to identify supply streams for proper medical grade protective equipment. Our firefighters are continuously inventorying our personal protective equipment and currently have an adequate supply to care for the needs of the community for a period of two months at the current rate of use.
FD staff are required to self-monitor their health, and are required to take their temperature prior to reporting for duty, and once while on shift.
The DPW team is testing employees regularly to ensure that we minimize impacts of loss of staff due exposure and close contacts. We are currently working our regular winter schedule and are available to respond to storms and emergencies.
Water Treatment Facilities and Wastewater Treatment Facilities have backup operators in place and can maintain most of their operations remotely if necessary.
The St. Johnsbury Emergency Dispatch Center's employees remain ever vigilant to our region's responders' needs. The health and safety of responders remain one of the top priorities taken by the dispatchers. Therefore, they continue the practice of asking screening questions to callers regarding symptoms, travel, and exposure consistent with state guidance for COVID-19. Precautions are taken to ensure a clean, disinfected workspace every shift. Measures to eliminate any unnecessary contact within the public safety building are in place. We are conducting civil fingerprinting services and ask that you have an appointment and wear a mask when you enter the building. Residents seeking the fire or police department's services are strongly encouraged to contact the Dispatch Center by phone. The phone number for police services is 748-2314, and the phone number for fire services is 748-8925.
Please follow us on our website for updates – Any business related items, we ask that you call ahead 802-748-7544 or 802-748-7599 prior to coming to the office. We prefer all business related items be done via email or phone if possible.
CALL 911 – if you are having shortness of breath, chest pain, severe weakness, confusion, bluish lips. If you are having a medical emergency or have injured yourself, please seek help from medical professionals, don’t wait or delay calling 911. Do not ignore your symptoms during this period, seek help and don’t be afraid to seek care at your local Emergency Dept.
Some expectations if you are calling 911:
You will be screened by E-911 or local dispatch with specific questions on travel history, any close contact with someone evaluated or diagnosed with coronavirus, any fever, trouble breathing or cough. If yes, to these questions EMS will be alerted on dispatch. EMS will be dispatched to these cases without local first responders to limit the contact. If no, to these questions normal response protocols are in place, however on arrival our providers will be asking these questions above from a 6’ distance to rule out any risk to providers. Either on arrival or during this question period, expect our providers to be wearing personnel protective equipment such as face masks, goggles, gloves and in some cases gowns. This is to protect our providers. We will also ask you and provide you with a surgical mask to wear or provide you with an oxygen mask if you are having troubles breathing. During this period we ask that no family members ride in the ambulance unless very specific circumstances. We ask you respect our crews guidance. During transport we are alerting the hospital for any potential infectious disease so they can be prepared for our arrival.
We are here 24/7 to provide the very best pre hospital care if you need us. Please follow local / state guidance, stay at home and practice social distancing. We all need your help!
Thank you,
Michael J. Wright, NRP
Chief Executive Officer / Chief
CALEX Ambulance Service
802-748-7599 (Office)
802-748-7545 (Fax)
802-343-7000 (Cell)
802-250-4222 (Pager)