August 8 2024 – 12:00 pm:
Waste Management Update: St Johnsbury Transfer Station at High Street is open for household trash, recycling, metals and hand loaded/unloaded construction debris. Additional waste resources will remain open through this week unless otherwise noted to include:
Water Testing Kits: Water testing kits are available for residents at the St. Johnsbury Wastewater Treatment Plant for pick up at 799 Bay Street M-F between 7 am – 2:30 pm. Please call in advance to verify that kits are available. Lab fees are $25-$30. Tests can be mailed or dropped off at the Wastewater Treatment Plant for currier. Results are provided within 24 hrs. M-TH.
Roads Update: Please proceed with caution on other areas that have sustained damages. We ask that you limit travel to all of these areas to reduce further damage and maintain the road for residents and emergency vehicles. St. Johnsbury's Department of Public Works continues to work to repair roads. Road openings are expected throughout today. Please check the Town website under 'Announcements' at Many roads allow only one traffic lane to service traffic in both directions. Please use caution when driving through these areas of town.
Preparations for Hurricane Debby: Sand bags can be picked up at the Public Works Garage at 217 Almshouse road. If full bags are not available residents can fill bags themselves. We anticipate that additional sand bags will be filled with the assistance of the Department of Corrections tomorrow through the day and they will be brought over to the Public Works Department mid day. Check back for updates.
The Fairbanks Museum Meteorology department has met with Town Officials to provide weather updates and will continue to update us at the storm develops. Storm information can be found at the following links:
National Hurricane Center Debby Page -
NOAA Quantitative Precipitation Forecast -
Northeast River Forecast Center River Gauge Page -
Reporting Damages: Town officials urge businesses and residents to visit Vermont211 ( ) for information about resources and to report residential and business damages.
For Volunteer Information for clean up efforts, including how you can volunteer, or if you need volunteer assistance, please contact Northeast Kingdom Organizing at or by calling 802-321-3317.
Please get in touch with the Town of St. Johnsbury to report non-emergency road damages by calling (802) 535-9954.